View the monthly UUCV Newsletter
SEPTEMBER 2024 Newsletter

From the Board of Trustees


Hello fellow UUCV’ers!


UUCV on August 24th, your board of trustees participated in a retreat led/facilitated by Rev Kathy Ellis. I won’t go through the entire retreat topics or the results but, it was a fantastic time for the board to get together and consider our part in contributing to the success of the community. 

We began the retreat with a chalice lighting and a reading of the UUCV Board of Trustees Covenant.


We, the Trustees of the Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley (UUCV), pledge to honor our fiduciary responsibilities and, to the best of our abilities, carry out the purpose and promote the mission of UUCV. We adopt the Congregation’s “UUCV Covenant of Right Relations” as our set of promises to one another about how we want to be in community as a Board.


Then we moved on to some exercises that Rev Kathy facilitated. I will mention two.

The first was for each of us to consider what we want the community to know about the board.


· The Board is dedicated to maintaining the financial health of UUCV and to make the hard choices necessary in that regard.


· We always want to consider what is in the best interests of UUCV.


· We do want you to know what the board does in our meetings and decisions.


· It is good to serve on the Board.


· It is fun and rewarding to serve on the Board.


· We want to help our members and the church to thrive.


· We love to learn and would like to learn from you.


· We like to be approached over concerns and questions.


· The Board unconditionally loves and accepts this community.


· Sometimes we need time to process things.


· We do struggle at times with our responsibilities on the Board and how they may conflict with our lives outside of UUCV


· As human beings, we sometimes are impatient with impatience.


· We are not afraid to say “NO”.


Many of the points made require actions by the board. Most of the actions/solutions are debatable. However, we follow a democratic process to vote on the resolution of issues, financial decisions and policy changes. There is no board member who has more than one vote. We are all equal in the decision process. We often must bring voting decisions to the congregation. Major spending decisions and by-law changes come immediately to mind.


The second exercise I wanted you to know about was the effort to determine Board goals for the church year. These can and probably will change based on changing circumstances and the arrival of a new minister.


· Grow the Community in numbers by 7%


· Identify a new Board President and Treasurer by May 1st.


· Begin the annual Budget Drive by Jan 1st.


· Better educate the community on gender marginalized groups so that we are more welcoming (we have a plan for this)


· Support the Search Committee’s Efforts. (This was not specifically called out as a goal but, the necessity of finding a minister was discussed.)


Now that you understand what the Board wants you to know about us and the goals we have agreed to, you can readily see the need for you to be an active part. If you have concerns, contact a board member. If you just want to speak with us, feel free. We want to hear from you.


Jim Burton,

UUCV Board President

Focus on Finances


As we welcome the changing of the seasons, I hope everyone had a chance to have some summer fun and relaxation. On Sunday, September 8 we will gather for our Water Ceremony service marking the return to UUCV’s full programming schedule.


Looking through the lens of our finances, we have two very important fundraising activities scheduled for this fall. In October we will have a Yard Sale and on November 2 we will gather for FUNdraising at our Auction, Come As You Aren’t. Please be on the lookout for information about how you can contribute or volunteer to help with these events..


If you check the budget that we approved at our Annual Meeting in June, you will see that having a healthy bottom line relies heavily on the funds we raise from the Yard Sale and the Auction. The Auction has a goal of raising $12,000.00. Seems like a big number (and it is), but we have been successful in the past raising this much and more. It requires that we all commit to contributing in some way. From donating your time to helping with tasks such as decorating or coordinating the food table, to donating events or items, to attending, bidding, and buying, there are ways all of us can contribute something.


You will find information about the Yard Sale and Auction in the announcements in the order of service, PreViews, the newsletter, and on our FaceBook page. On Sunday, September 8 we will have a Kick Off for the Auction and members of the Auction Committee will be available in the Social Hall after the service to answer all your questions and provide information about how you can help..


The Budget’s bottomline and I thank you for your contribution toward making each of these events a success.


Wendy Gebb

UUCV Treasurer

Worship this Month
The Worship theme for
September is Invitation

September 1 – "HOT, HOT, HOT" The old saying goes, 'Never talk about politics or religion at the dinner table". How do we have hard conversations about hot topics without blowing our tops?  Rev. Chris Kapp preaches with worship associate 


September 8 – "Water Communion"  This Sunday we will celebrate our annual Water Communion. Please bring a small container of water that symbolizes something special from your summer adventures. This could be water from a summer vacation spot, or water from your backyard. It could be water from your garden hose, or water from your favorite place to swim. From the ocean, a lake, or from your home tap. We will combine our waters in a common bowl as we embark on a new congregational year together. Lynn Sodora leads the service with worship associate Alicia Riegel-Kanth.

September 15 - "Upstairs Church, Downstairs Church"  We kick off our Religious Education year with a reminder that ALL of us are here to learn and grow - from the youngest to the oldest. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associates from the Religious Education Committee.


September 22 - "Pumpkins, Spice, and Everything Nice"  Celebrate Mabon, a harvest festival of gratitude, with us as we embrace all the little basic little joys of autumn. Rev. Chris Kapp leads the service with worship associate Melissa Mattson.


September 29 - "The Power of Invitation"  Often when we think of an invitation, it's something simple - a call to a gathering, a request to join, or an opening to connect. But an invitation can be much more than a logistical gesture. It's an opportunity for transformation. Matt Burr leads the service with worship associate Susan Green.


Join us for in-person worship in our Sanctuary every Sunday at 10:30 am or on ZOOM. or “listen in” (without video) by telephone, by calling 646-876-9923 and entering Meeting ID 550 751 6685

This n That...
UUCV Book Group

September 22 – The Age of AI - And Our Human Future by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Daniel Huttenlocher (Keith Bittinger)


Summary: In The Age of AI, three leading thinkers come together to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the way it is transforming human society—and what this technology means for us all.


Paperback: 288 pages, 7 chapters

Audio Book: 7 hrs 13 mins


For more information, or questions, contact

Keith Bittinger


The UUCV Book Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of each month for a lively, thoughtful discussion on our worship ZOOM channel
Are you Registered to Vote?
To vote in Pennsylvania in the November 5 Election, you must be registered at least 15 days before the election...October 21.
You can register to vote online, by mail, or at a number of government agencies, including Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDot) Photo License and Drivers License Centers.
Click here to download a blank voter registration form
Click here to register takes 2 minutes.
If you have any questions, please call 1.877.VOTESPA (1.877.868.3772).




Coming Up in September:

Mark your calendars:
  • Sunday, September 8 Water Communion 10:30am in the UUCV Sanctuary
  • Sunday, September 15 Trauma in the Pews at 7:00 in the Yuuth Room.
  • Friday, September 20 at noon Red Cross Blood Drive in the Social Hall at UUCV 
  • Sunday, September 22  UUCV Book Group at 6:30pm on Zoom   
  • Sunday, September 29 UUCV Town Hall in the Sanctuary following worship and on ZOOM

Grocery Card FUN Facts

  • The grocery card team sold 1209 grocery cards in the fiscal year that just ended… raising almost $11,000 for UUCV. That’s a record!
  • Buying a grocery card from UUCV is an easy fundraiser for UUCV. You can buy grocery cards through the ACH (automated bank withdrawal) process OR you can buy cards before or after Sunday service OR you can contact the church office if you want a card.
  • Buying a card is a win-win! You’re spending $100 to buy a card which will then be used to pay for $100 worth of items you were going to buy anyhow. In turn, UUCV gets $10 for each Giant card sold and $5 for each Karns and Weis card sold.
  • Grocery cards can be used for food, gas, wine, beer, and prescriptions. (NOTE: when using your grocery card to buy gas…place your card in the credit card slot at the pump.)

Reach out to the members of UUCV’s grocery card team if you have any questions OR if you’d like to join our team. Help UUCV beat their record this fiscal year!


Thanks from the team: Margie Akin, Lynn Michels, Rebecca Fratantuono, Dee Lauderbaugh, Cindy Good

Social Justice at UUCV
September Social Justice Opportunities
Programs under the umbrella of the Social Justice Committee include the monthly CARES dinner, Change for the World (CFTW), the Mozambique Bursary project and the UUCV Antiracism Initiative. Another component this year has been assisting an Afghan family as they transition to America from war-torn Afghanistan. Other events we regularly participate in include Project Share’s Farm Stand, the annual Pride Festival in Harrisburg, National Public Lands Day, and United Way’s One Day of Caring. We anchor our efforts around UUCV’s mission to transform lives and care for the world. Thank you to all who serve on the committee and for outside support we receive from many others in the congregation.
The next Social Justice meeting is at 6:30 on Wednesday, September 18 on ZOOM   
All are welcome to join our meetings. 
Change for the World -
3rd Quarter - July, August, September
The Pennsylvania Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Network (PAIRWN) is a nonprofit organization that serves immigrant and refugee women in the greater Harrisburg area. Its mission is to help refer, advocate, network, and empower immigrant and refugee women. It offers programs in wellness, healthy relationships (with an emphasis on recovering from sexual assault or domestic violence), economic independence (through the operation of a global marketplace), and family advocacy (serving students with limited English proficiency). 
The organization has an office at 2101 N. Front Street in Harrisburg, and its website is
Join the Get Out the Vote events sponsored by UUJusticePA.  For more details go to
UU Justice PA is looking for someone to head the LGBTQIA Committee that meets once a month via Zoom.  This committee is important for tracking legislation in our state government that is especially pertinent to LGBTQIA individuals, but to all of us who value plurality, as well.  Anyone interested in participating in or leading the committee, please contact Rev. Joan Sabatino at
Carlisle Area Religious Council The final Summer Faith Night will be held on Thursday September 12 at the LeTort Park pavilion located at 260 East Pomfret St. in Carlisle.  Due to earlier sunset times, the start time is 6:00 pm.  The presenting congregation will be the Hope Nepali Congregation.  Donations of laundry products are particularly welcome to support Free Laundry Night. 
Racial Justice Opportunities Moving Circles discussion group meets on the third Monday of every month from 7:00-8:30 pm at the Carlisle YWCA on G Street and College Street. Carlisle Bridge Builders meets at the Hibner Memorial Church of God in Christ on the 2nd Saturday of each month from 10:00 am to noon.  All are welcome.
Community CARES Meal
On Sunday, September 15, 2024, members of the UUCV Social Justice Committee will deliver a dinner meal to CARES Carlisle at 50 W Penn Street. Your help with  Donations of food items listed, grocery gift cards, or checks are needed to provide this meal.

With donations already made, or additional donations of grocery cards, or checks, Carol Riesmeyer will purchase the pork meat, and make several containers of pulled pork for enough sandwiches for 35-40 people.
Contact Pam if you can donate any of the items needed for the meal:
     Kaiser Rolls or Small Sausage Rolls - 3 or 4 dozen

     Bottled BBQ Sauce - 2  large bottles of spicy and mild          
     Baked Beans - 3 large dishes needed

     Mac N Cheese - 2 large dishes

     Cole Slaw - 2 quart containers needed
     3 Bean Salad - 2 quarts needed

     DESSERTS - 4 dozen cupcakes 

     BEVERAGES -  2 gal of apple cider,
                                Large Coffee Creamer 
                                3 Large containers of Coffee

Please mark CARES on any food left in the church kitchen, or drop off items to the church parking lot between 3:00 - 3:30 on Sunday, Sept. 15.

Your donations and help with providing this meal to folks who rely on CARES for a Sunday meal is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!!!
Join UUCV'S TEAM for the Annual United Way
Day of Caring

Friday, October 11, the day will start at 8 a.m. with a kickoff at Dickinson College’s Allison Hall, 99 Mooreland Ave, Carlisle. After the kickoff event ends at roughly 8:30 a.m., volunteers will head out to their locations and arrive between 8:45 and 9 a.m. Projects will wrap up around noon. Lunch will be held at LeTort Park after that.


Help local organizations complete work projects (which could include painting, weeding, raking, mowing, cleaning, etc.)


All volunteers who sign up by the deadline will get the newly designed Day of Caring T-shirts in this year’s color!


If you are interested in donating a couple hours of time to help local organizations complete some hands-on projects, please sign up in the social hall or contact Cindy Good at


The deadline to sign up is September 12th

Learn how easy it is to use RaiseRight to build UUCV's Fund for a Commercial Dishwasher.  


UUCV is partnering with RaiseRight for Gift card fundraising, the #1 fundraiser for nonprofit organizations across the U.S. for more than 25 years.  Earn simply by buying gift cards to use for everyday purchases, instead of cash or credit cards.

With RaiseRight, nonprofits and other community-based organizations earn money simply by shopping for their favorite brands—turning daily or weekly purchases into the opportunities that matter for their favorite organizations. 


How to Get Started:

Visit to Sign Up from your computer or access the QR Code Below.


Set up your banking or credit card preference.


You can then shop anytime by visiting and see the daily bonuses and specials which will earn more money for UUCV.  Check the % for each card to see what your donation will be to UUCV….with a very minimal fee to you. 


How to Pay:

When you are done selecting your cards, check out at your shopping cart.  You can pay by your own Credit Card (getting points on your card) or LINK to your bank account


How you Receive your Cards:

  • You can choose ecards (which will show up in your wallet on your APP or in your wallet on the main website http://www.raiseright/shop
  • You can print a copy of your purchase to act as a gift card when you shop
  • DO NOT select your card to be sent to the Coordinator….any cards sent to the coordinator will be cancelled and your sale will be VOID


Contact Pam if you need help in getting set up or if you have questions about this program.

UUCV Auction
Auction News DATE CHANGE 

Make plans for the UUCV Annual Auction on November 2, from 6-9 pm in the social hall.


Our largest fundraiser

of the year.

We’re looking for your donations. What are your (hidden) talents? Dinners are always popular but this could be an outing, wine tasting, hike, performance, a ballgame, a stay at your vacation home, a board game or a movie night, custom-made items such as a homemade pie, or some kind of service, such as pet sitting or gardening.


How to submit your donation: There’s an online link on the auction page on the UUCV website. There will be paper forms in the social hall. Email questions to


Deadline for items to printed in the auction catalog is October 20.





It’s a party, with all your UU friends, with music, food and drinks. Childcare will be provided.


But wait, there’s more. You can sign up to purchase attendance at events, such as dinner parties or a game night. There are also services, like gardening or homemade bread. There will be some select items to bid on at the silent auction portion, such as art or collectibles.


New for this year, you will be billed after the auction, for your purchases.

Purchase tickets in advance in the social hall after services. This gives you a bidding number and allows you to skip the line before the event.

Religious Education


Greetings all! 


Welcome Back!  Each September, we begin a new congregational year of exploring our UU faith together.  Please take a look at our 2024-25 Faith Development offerings for children and youth:

Spirit Play - Grades K-3 :  Spirit Play is a gentle program which introduces our children to our UU principles through story and wondering questions.  There is free time for each child to explore their creativity (called "works"). This class is based on Montessori method.
Soul Matters - Grades 4-5 :  Soul Matters classes are based on monthly themes which coincide with the monthly adult worship service themes, and explore how these themes are important to us as UUs through story, discussion and experiential learning activities.  
UU Values and Critical Core - Grades 6-8 : Our "middles"  will be engaged in two programs this year.  First, an 8-week course expoloring our UU shared values.  Later in the fall/winter, they will begin a Critical Core campaign which will continue for several weeks.  Critical Core is a D-20 based table-top roleplaying game specifically designed to target the development of key aspects of developmental growth (i.e., Regulation and Collaboration).  
Coming of Age - Grades 8-12 :  In the Coming of Age program, our high school youth will take a deep dive into exploring their own faith beliefs and their connection to Unitarian Universalism.  This year, UUCV will be offering this course jointly with the Unitarian Church of Harrisburg.  It will consist of 4 extended day workshops with optional overnights at hosting congregation, regular Sunday night Zooms, an MLK Day of Service joint project, and a trip to DC.  At the conclusion of the program, Youth will have the opportunity to develop and present a personal "credo" to their congregation.  This class requires a commitment to attendance, as well as a family orientation session.
The Yuuth Group (open to youth ages 13-17 and their friends) will have the opportunity to meet on Regular RE Sunday mornings in a safe and welcoming space for connection.  Friends are always welcome!      
NURSERY CARE is available every Sunday from 10:15 - 11:45 am for infants, toddlers and preschoolers.


Below is our Faith Development Sunday schedule for our children and youth for September:  
September 1: First Day in RE Classrooms followed by an RE Open House after service.  After service, adults will follow a map through our RE classrooms in order to find their refreshments.  Along the path, check out our RE classrooms and say hello to some of our children and youth.
September 8:  Water Communion - A Service for All Ages:   Join us for this family-focused service celebrating the start of a new congregational year with our annual Water Communion ceremony.  Bring a vial of water that symbolizes a special memory from this summer. This is a service for all ages - no RE today.  Nursery Care for children ages 4 and under will be available during the service.
September 15:  First Day of Regular RE Classes
September 22:  Regular RE Classes
September 29:  Regular RE Classes
Our Sunday Morning Worship Services being at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary.  On "Regular RE" days, the children and youth go downstairs to their RE classrooms after the Time for All Ages.  Classes end at 11:45 am.

**Please sign out your young children (up to 5th grade) from their classrooms by 11:45.** This gives parents the opportunity to socialize before pickup, while respecting the Volunteer Teachers' time as well.    
Thank you to all our August volunteers!  Ryanne Mack, Emily Cappucci, Susan Green, Susan Rimby, Rebecca Fratantuono, Kim Stone, and Dianne Dusman. Thank you so much for your time and energy! Members of the Congregation are encouraged to volunteer with the Children's RE Program! Please email Lynn Sodora DLFD at to check in about submitting clearances. 
May we continue to learn and grow together!
In faith and service,
Adult Religious Education

Adult RE Group - 

Class Schedule – Fall 2024


These classes will be held on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:00 am in the Board Room or join via Zoom at (572 887 2212).



September 8: Finding Joy  We will reflect on the meaning of joy and how it makes us feel. Then we will share ways to find joy in our lives and get inspiration from one another. Discussion leader: Jill Hoffmann


September 22: Artificial Intelligence—AI  The development of Artificial intelligence—AI--is potentially one of humanity’s greatest technological achievements offering great promise as well as great risk. In this class we’ll explore what AI is, what it’s current capabilities are, and what benefits it offers and risks it entails. Discussion leader: Keith Bittinger


October 6: The Amend Video Series – Control – Women’s Rights

Discussion leader: Melissa Mattson


October 20: The Urantia Book

Discussion leader: Susan Laura


November 3: Reflections on Waking Up White

Discussion leader: Martha Bergsten & Cheryl Parsons


November 17: To Be Determined


December 1: The Great Filter Theory

Discussion leader: Matt Burr


December 15: What does activism look like in your life?

Maybe you’re a seasoned activist, or maybe an aspiring one, or maybe activism has never really been your thing. We'll have an open discussion of what activism looks like in our lives and consider the different forms activism can take.

Sign up for iGive and earn money for UUCV

1900 Stores want to help:

On average 3% Stores pay for it all. Never pay more, and sometimes less with coupons and deals.

From pet rescues to 3rd grade classrooms, and on to fighting some of the most terrible diseases, iGive has been helping ordinary people make their shopping count for more.

Register now and list Unitarian Universalists of the Cumberland Valley as your charity 


iGive automatically helps your favorite cause, every time you shop.

They donate an extra $5 bonus to your cause when you make your first

Choose or list your cause & they'll earn money for free!

Minister Search Committee
Update from your Minister Search Committee
Our UUA minister job posting was approved and became active on the portal on July 24, 2024. We immediately received one application but the candidate did not meet our criteria so we did not move forward with an interview. August has been a quiet month with no applications, but that is not necessarily out of the ordinary for this time of year in the minister search process. 
We are using this time to make sure our “house” is in order in terms of how we will tell the story of UUCV to prospective candidates in the most attractive and authentic way. We’ll keep you all informed and continue to welcome your input at:
Upcoming Choir Opportunity


Join us to bring choral singing back to our service on Sunday, October 20th!


Please notify Carole Knisely at if you have not received an email from her regarding music messages. Your emails given at our original meeting have all been added into a music group.


Rehearsals will be held three Sundays immediately after church services from 11:45am – 12:30pm prior to the October 20th Service; September 29, October 6 and October 13th with a run-through 9:45 before the service of October 20th


Please mark your calendars for these rehearsals and join us in singing!


We hope to share an app called “Voice Memos” whereby Carole can record individual parts and email these to those who would appreciate having these recordings to practice between rehearsals.

UUCV Announcements
UUCV Town Hall
Sunday, September 29
Following worship on September 29, we will hold a town hall in the Sanctuary and on ZOOM
The tentative agenda follows: 
Status of the Search Process

The Play Area

The Commercial Dishwasher

Security Cameras

Removing Wires from the Sanctuary Carpeting

The Wall leakage issue in the Dining Hall and the Boiler Room


Please plan on attending this important informative meeting. 

UUCV Yardsale - October 17, 18, 19
As you start your fall cleaning, start a pile for the UUCV Yardsale.  Items should be in good condition and clean.  No half used lotions, soaps, perfumes, etc.   
We will start accepting items Sunday, October 6....please take your items out of the boxes/bags you bring them in and place on the corresponding table in the dining room (pets, children, kitchen, etc.)  You can also drop them off during office Pam for office hours that week 717/249-8944 or  The LAST DAY to drop off items is Tuesday, October 15.
Thanks for all your help on making this one of our successful fundraisers!!
Pam and Cindy
UUCV Fundraiser - Share with your family, friends and neighbors....and be sure to mention UUCV to your server!!!
UU Scrabblers
Small Group Seeks Players
Why do we play the game?  Because every game represents an opportunity to face challenges, successes and failures with grace.  Scrabble requires concentration and focus, Scrabble keeps us in the moment. And it's fun and we learn new words!
 Join us (Dianne, Lynn Michels, Susan Green, Susan Vernon, Kathy Ellis, Debby Weiss) for the  first ever "UU Scrabblers Potluck Picnic" at South Middleton Township Park (weather permitting), Wednesday, September 11, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.  (Backup location is UUCV.)  Call Dianne Dusman if you plan to attend or with any questions. (717) 319-5362.
Red Cross Blood Drive at UUCV
On Friday, September 20 the Red Cross will hold a blood drive at UUCV in our Social Hall. We need 2 volunteers to come in around 9:00am to move tables and then 2 volunteers to come back around 6:00pm to move the tables back and to lock up. If you are able to volunteer for either time, please contact Pam in the office  
You can also schedule an appointment to donate blood by going to the Red Cross website
or contact the Blood Donor Center at 717/544-0170.
Pride Prom comes to UUCV
Trauma in the Pews: Deconstructing Toxic Belief Systems and Religious Abuse
The rise of Evangelical Fundamentalism across America over the course of the last 50 years has really brought to light the toxic belief structures and abusive practices of many denominations and religions.
When religious zeal is taken to the extreme, trauma can and does occur, affecting us to the core of our being. Join Rev. Chris on the third Sunday of the month at 7 PM in the Youuth room for a support and study group as we begin to work through the damage done in the name of religion, find our own voices, and discover what we truly believe, along with what we don't -- and embrace the freedom that comes with deconstruction and healing. This course will run for the entirety of 2024. Please let Pam know if you're interested. THIS GROUP IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. If you know someone who could benefit from this type of group, please pass along the information and Rev. Chris's email --
UUCV Book Group Selections for 2024
The UUCV Book Group meets at 6:30 pm on the 4th Sunday of each month for a lively, thoughtful discussion on our worship ZOOM channel 

UUCV Book Group 2024 Schedule (with Discussion Leaders)


September 22 – The Age of AI - And Our Human Future by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, and Daniel Huttenlocher (Keith Bittinger)

Summary: In The Age of AI, three leading thinkers come together to explore Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the way it is transforming human society—and what this technology means for us all.

Paperback: 288 pages, 7 chapters

Audio Book: 7 hrs 13 mins


October 27 – Women Talking by Miriam Toews (John Katz)

In an isolated Mennonite colony, women, children, and even infants have  endured rape, assault, and other brutalities with terrifying regularity. The book opens when the women of two families meet to discuss their options--which are rather limited, given how they have been kept illiterate and utterly ignorant of the outside world. This book is at once appalling, fascinating, and thrillingly suspenseful.


November 24 – 2025 reading selections

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